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Alpe di Rittana

Average Skier
600 m
b.ta Tetti Rossi, Monterosso Grana - 1200 m slm
Alpe di Rittana - 1800 m slm

Monterosso Grana (CN)

From Tetti Rossi, in the recessed valley of Coumboscuro, you start through a beech and birch forest in the direction of Rocca Stella, counting the numerous red notches of paint leading up to the picturesque Piloun de l’Estelo (Pillar of Estelo). Near this pillar the environment changes radically, becoming open and with broad views of the peaks and villages of the Grana valley. Going up along the forest track you go towards the Arpiola and then towards the Peak dell’Alpe, an authentic balcony on the Cuneo plain.