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Plateau of Gardetta – Canosio

5.76 km
266 m
Grange Selvest, borgata Preit di Canosio - 1661 m slm
Rifugio Gardetta - 2335 m slm

Situated at the intersection of three valleys, the plateau of Gardetta is a vast landscape featuring a host of geological-naturalistic phenomena.

The rocks in this area tell of the ancient presence of volcanoes, rivers, beaches, lagoons, coasts and seas. The recent discovery of a dinosaur footprint has increased even further the geological importance of this site positioned at the foot of Rocca la Meja. The plateau is accessible in late Spring and summer, preferably from the Comune of Canosio in the Maira Valley and is ideal for a short family walk. From here, you can set off on a range of hikes of varying levels, on foot or by mtb and on the numerous climbing trails on Rocca la Meja.