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The way of the Partisans

Bravi racchettatori
400 m
b.ta S. Matteo, Valgrana - 1050 m slm
b.ta Paraloup, Rittana - 1370 m slm

Valgrana – Rittana (CN)

From San Matteo di Valgrana, you take the forest track passing first near Pillar Ugo, which is left on the left, and then in Chiapale Hamlet. From here you start to go up steadily until you reach the Chiot Rosa, where the memorial for the partisans is located. From Chiot Rosa, take the road that leads to Paraloup Hamlet, cradle of the Cuneo Resistance, recently converted into a welcoming and cultural space. Ideal for those who want to walk in a safe place, enjoying the reception of a mountain hut.