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racchette da neve

Alpe Rittana

Bravi racchettatori
730 m
fraz. Gorrè, Rittana - 1110 m slm
Alpe di Rittana - 1795 m slm

Rittana (CN)

From the hamlet of Gorrè di Rittana, located in a side valley of the Stura valley, you walk along the track of the carriage road that goes up to the hamlet of Paraloup. Chiot Rosa, and the hamlets of Chiapera and Tetti Grain, the ruins of Tintina are the prelude to the arrival in Paraloup. From here the uphill slope begins to offer breath-taking views of the Cuneo plain and allows you to reach the crest of the Arpiola, which you follow up to the top of the Alpe Rittana. A few kilometres from the valley floor, this is an excursion capable of offering beautiful landscapes.