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Rocca Bianca Tour

Good Skier
1100 m
fraz. Chianale, Pontechianale - 1809 m slm
Colle S. Veran - 2900 m slm

Pontechianale (CN)

Nice loop hike on top of the Valley, on the border with France. It starts shortly after the village of Chianale, at the start of the summer trail to the Laghi Blu (Blue Lakes). First stretch on the road to Pian Vasserot, then on a regular slope with a long crossing that leads into the valley of the col of S. Veran. From the col you can enjoy a beautiful view of the valley and of Monviso. You reach the French side with a path halfway up the hill leading to cross the border on the Biancetta Col. Beautiful descent leading to the Blue Lake and back to Chianale.