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Becco Alto dell’Ischiator

Great alpinist skier
1556 m
fraz. Besmorello, Vinadio - 1440 m slm
B. A. dell'Ischiator - 2996 m slm

Vinadio (CN)

The tour starts from the isolated and pleasant stone hamlet Besmorello, you go past the Migliorero Hut and the lower and the middle lake of the Ischiator Valley, you continue going up the 2744 m Passo Laris (Laris Pass), climbing the slope to the top, a real rock castle, a great skiing location. Possibility of descent towards Pietraporzio. From the top the view extends to embrace the peaks and the plain, Monviso, to the north, is a cathedral among countless peaks, while Rabuons Lake shines narrow from the picturesque cliffs.