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rifugio di montagna

Migliorero Hut

Ottimi racchettatori
670 m
fraz. Besmorello, Vinadio - 1450 m slm
Rifugio Migliorero - 2100 m slm

Vinadio (CN)

From Besmorello, just above Bagni di Vinadio, you begin a steady ascent towards the valley of the Ischiator. The houses of Luca Hamlet, the last outpost in the valley, are a prelude to the immensity of the winter mountains that you see along the itinerary. Once you have passed near the famous waterfall, you quickly reach a good altitude. When the climb becomes less steep, you can see in the distance, on a rocky spur in the middle of the valley, the Migliorero Hut, closed in winter, which dominates the basin of the Lower Lake of the Ischiator.