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Rocca Stella

Bravi racchettatori
350 m
b.ta Damiani, Valgrana - 1150 m slm
Pilone Stella - 1400 m slm

Valgrana (CN)

We set off on a comfortable track in a mixed birch and beech forest, dotted here and there with some chestnut trees. As you climb, the view opens up over the valleys of Coumboscuro and Frise. Once on the ridge the climb becomes more intense, but within anyone’s reach. It is the prelude to the exit on the meadows that surround the Piloun de l’Estelo (Pillar of Estelo): it is a place of faith, which combines Christian prayer and the observation of the sky typical of the pre-Christian peoples. Right from this rock the shepherds have been observing Venus’s dawn for millennia.