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Opening Ceremony
The Opening Ceremony, consisting of a parade in the city centre, will take place at 17:00 on Saturday 25th June starting from Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, Saluzzo. 
Flower Ceremonies
The Flower Ceremonies for the first three athletes of each race will take place immediately after the finish of the race near the finish line. 
Award & Closing Ceremonies
The Award & Closing Ceremonies will take place on Sunday 26th June at 18:00 in piazza Ludovico Vineis. Individual and team winners will be awarded. Athletes must wear the official team clothing for the ceremonies. A short Closing Ceremony will follow immediately after the awards and will consist of WMRA flag handover to the next host of the WMRA International Under 18 Mountain Running Cup.
Final Party
Final Party will take place after the end of the award & closing ceremonies. Everyone with accreditation or an invitation is welcome to attend. 

Un territorio che ha ottenuto il riconoscimento dall’UNESCO come Riserva della Biosfera del Monviso, una terra discreta, ma di straordinaria bellezza e unicità.

Queste valli sono il territorio ideale per chi ama la montagna e la natura e soprattutto lo sport all’aria aperta: dal trekking alle passeggiate a cavallo; dal mountain bike all’arrampicata sportiva e su ghiaccio; dal kite surf al parapendio; dallo sci alpino a quello di fondo; dalla canoa al rafting.